GS1 Powered QR Codes

A significant global shift is taking place in retail

Consumers are looking to purchase more than just the product. They are seeking more information, more personalisation and more experience than ever before. Aligning purchasing decisions to their values and demanding more accountability from brands.​

‘80% of global consumers believe brands must be transparent about their environmental impacts in the production of their goods and services.’ 1

To succeed in the new landscape, brand owners are leveraging 2D barcodes, specifically unique GS1 Powered QR Codes.

Uncover Your Brand’s Full Potential

Imagine a Dynamic Barcode!

One that enables you to speak directly to the hearts and minds of your consumers. Seamlessly delivering personalised and accurate content, available on-demand and in real-time. All through a single on-pack symbol scanned by a smartphone. One that will still go beep at the checkout.2

Watch GS1 Powered QR Codes in Action

Engage with your consumers like never before

GS1 Powered QR Codes (Section 1)

I can showcase our sustainability and ethical practices as well as confirm product authenticity. We also share our recycling and upcycling instructions with consumers. Behind the scenes we can update the QR Code links digitally, we don’t have to change the labels or packaging, and that’s huge savings.” - Brand Owner.

Consumers will pay an increase of 5% or more for sustainably produced goods.3 Imagine a GS1 Powered QR Code on your product that simultaneously delivers diverse links to your consumers, with instant access to: A video showcasing the product origin, credentials verifying sustainable production, supply chain information including expiry date and a game that unlocks personalised rewards.

GS1 Powered QR Codes (Section 2 Image)
bi stopwatch

Updating QR Codes is quick and easy, no need to wait for retailer-readiness.

bi globe-asia-australia

Seamless operation across industries, systems and countries.

bi qr-code

Based on GS1 standards to ensure consistency, efficiency and accuracy.


1. EY report, June 2021.​
2. All retail point-of-sale systems will aim to scan 2D barcodes by 2027.​
3. PWC Global Consumer Insights Pulse Survey, June 2023