Number of Base Units

Attribute Name: numberOfBaseUnits
Data Type: Integer
Max Length: 8
Repeatable: No
Code List: No
AVP: Yes
Applies to: Inner Pack & Case / Outer Carton
NPC Xpress Attribute: No. of Base Units
NPC Xpress Rail Attribute: No. of Base Units
Last Modified: 05/02/2024

A reference to the number of GTINs of the lowest level of product contained within this product’s family hierarchy.


A 3 level product hierarchy exists for Dandy Mineral Water 500ml.

GTIN Base Unit: 09312345678921 - Dandy Mineral Water 500ml
GTIN Inner Pack: 19312345678928 - Dandy Mineral Water 500ml x 6
GTIN Case: 29312345678925 - Dandy Mineral Water 500ml x 6 x 4

The number of Base Unit of the Base Unit is NULL
The number of Base Unit of the Inner Pack is 6 (Base Units)
The number of Base Unit of the Case is 24 (6x4 Base Units)

Useful Tips:
  • Only required where an item is not a base unit