Manufacturer Internal Reference

Attribute Name: manufacturerInternalReference
Data Type: String
Max Length: 255
Repeatable: No
Code List: No
AVP: Yes
Applies to: All Levels
Last Modified: 05/02/2024

This field is used to identify the internal reference number or internal product number allocated to the product by the manufacturer of the item.

In general, the following applies to all suppliers. For industry specific requirements, please refer to Useful Tips.

- Where the vendor is the manufacturer this field is intended to be the same as the Vendor Internal Reference field.
- Where the vendor is not the manufacturer, this field may be used to identify the manufacturer’s internal reference


DH2 is a distributor of healthcare products. Red Surgical Gloves are produced by PHARMA Z Ltd and are distributed through DH2.

PHARMA Z have an internal reference/code of redsir123. Therefore the manufacture reference code is redsir123.
The value of this attribute for the Red Surgical Gloves in the PHARMA Z catalogue is redsir123.
The value of this attribute for the Red Surgical Gloves in the DH2 catalogue is redsir123.

Useful Tips:

Aus & NZ Healthcare Sectors

  • Mandatory when publishing to AU Healthcare. When the supplier is also the manufacturer of the product, enter the SUPPLIER_ASSIGNED internal reference number or internal product number.

Food Services Industry (Australia only)

  • If no manufacturer internal reference is applicable to the product, enter a value of “none”