Label Description

Attribute Name: labelDescription
Data Type: String
Max Length: 500
Repeatable: No
Code List: No
Applies to: Base Unit
Last Modified: 05/02/2024

A literal reproduction of the text featured on a the trade product’s label. This should reflect word-by-word order in which it appears on the front of the product’s packaging, as it would be read by a consumer or healthcare professional. The label description will generally contain the brand name(s), active ingredient, dose form and dose quantity. It may also contain reference to the packaging type (vial, bottle, ampoule, blister pack). 

In Australian this would normally be consistent with the product name used within the ARTG. 

This may not necessarily match the GTIN description as loaded by the supplier into the GTIN description field in GDSN.


The product Panadol Rapid Paracetamol 20 Caplets contains a label description of ‘Panadol Rapid Paracetamol 500mg 20 caplets’.

Panadol Rapid Paracetamol 500mg 20 caplets will be the correct value to populate for this attribute in this example.