Is Trade Item A Variable Unit?
Attribute Name: isTradeItemAVariableUnit
Data Type: Boolean
Max Length: 5
Repeatable: No
Code List:
Applies to: All Levels
NPC Xpress Attribute: Does product vary significantly in weight?
NPC Xpress Rail Attribute: Is Variable in Length or Weight
Last Modified: 05/02/2024
Specifies if the trade item quantity is variable in weight or quantity. This field is commonly used for meat, cheese, fruit, and dairy items.
Please use value true if the item is a variable weight item, otherwise please use value false.
A case of chicken that is sold by price per kilogram would be considered a variable weight item. A case of chicken weighting 1.5 kg could cost $15 and a second case of chicken weighing 2kg would cost $20 instead.
Useful Tips:
Variable Unit GTINs must begin with either “9” or “020” through to “029”