Is Product Freezable?
Indicates if the product can be frozen without damage to the product. For example, eggs cannot be frozen without damage (false) while margarine can be frozen without damage (true).
(1) A store has run out of fridge space due to a large order of margarine and wants to put the excess margarine temporarily in the freezer until stock levels go down.
Freezable = true (yes) – the quality of the margarine will not be damaged if stored in the freezer.
(2) A store has run out of floor space due to an oversupply of eggs and wants to put the excess eggs temporarily in the freezer until the stock levels go down.
Freezable = false (no) – the quality of the eggs will be damaged if stored in the freezer.
This attribute relates to items that are sold to end consumers as Chilled or Ambient, refer to Trade Item Temperature Condition Type Code.