Information Provider GLN
Unique Global Location Number GLN identifying the information owner. The information owner (or Publisher) is generally the manufacturer or a distributor.
The Publisher has the responsibility to provide and maintain the data in the Catalogue.
Company GLN = 9377123456788
Always use a valid GLN allocated by a GS1 Member Organisation.
If the item is part of a product hierarchy, each item within the hierarchy must contain the same Information Provider GLN.
The Information Provider GLN is mandatory and must always be provided at all levels of packaging.
Ordinarily the GLN of Information Provider represents the business entity that has the primary commercial relationship with the Recipient. However under some circumstances it is possible to have dual-market catalogue that covers both Australia and NZ. Please contact GS1 in Australia or NZ if this could be applicable to you.
Information Provider GLN and Information Provider Name must be provided together