GTIN Referenced Trade Item Type Code
A code depicting the type of trade item that is referenced for a specific purpose for example substitute, replaced by, equivalent trade items.
EQUIVALENT – A product which can be substituted for the trade item based on supplier defined functional equivalence to the trade item.
REPLACED – Indicates the trade item identification of an item that is being permanently replaced by this trade item.
Repeatable as a group.
This field is supported by the National Product Catalogue as a Trading Partner Dependent (TPD) attribute. For more information on TPD attributes, please contact your NPC Customer Support Team.
Australian Healthcare
Use code EQUIVALENT, PRIMARY_ALTERNATIVE, REPLACED_BY, REPLACED, SUBSTITIUTED_BY, SUBSTITUTED where applicable based on the code definitions provided. Both the original and the new products records should be updated with the relevant codes for REPLACED_BY, REPLACED and SUBSTITIUTED_BY, SUBSTITUTED to ensure clear linkages from one product to the other.
Woolworths/Woolworths NZ
Use code EQUIVALENT if applicable to the product.
Mitre 10 NZ
Use code REPLACED if applicable to the product