Foodstuffs Price Family GTIN

Attribute Name: foodstuffsPriceFamilyGTIN
Data Type: Integer
Max Length: 14
Repeatable: No
Code List: No
AVP: Yes
Applies to: Base Unit
Last Modified: 05/02/2024

Used to indicate the Price Family grouping that should be applied by Foodstuffs.
For all Base Units in the same Price Family, populate with one of the Base Unit GTINs from the products in the Price Family.
The value must be a valid GTIN.
List Price when calculated back to the Base Unit must be the same across the whole Price Family.


GTINs 1, 2, 3 and 4 are in the same Price Family. Populate GTIN 1 as Foodstuffs Price Family GTIN across all products in the Price Family.
GTIN = 1, Foodstuffs Price Family GTIN = 1
GTIN = 2, Foodstuffs Price Family GTIN = 1
GTIN = 3, Foodstuffs Price Family GTIN = 1
GTIN = 4, Foodstuffs Price Family GTIN = 1