End Availability Date Time
The date when the trade item is no longer available from the Supplier (information provider), including seasonal or temporary trade item and services.
This field must be populated to end-date the product hierarchy. Please see End Dating an Item Hierarchy Example (starting from page 53 within the National Product Catalogue Complete User Guide).
The ‘End Availability Date Time’ must be after yesterday's date.
This field is supported by the National Product Catalogue as a Trading Partner Dependent (TPD) attribute. For more information on TPD attributes, please contact your NPC Customer Support Advisor.
Important: When the End Availability Date Time attribute is populated for a GTIN and updated successfully to the NPC, it will be no longer billable. Please note, for an item which has attributes specific to a retailer, a GTIN is STILL billable if the End Availability Date Time is provided ONLY as a Trading Partner Dependent (TPD) attribute. For a GTIN to be completely end dated and NOT billable, the End Availability Date Time must also be provided as a Trading Partner Neutal (“default” value in Publisher) attribute. For more information on how to end date a GTIN, please contact your NPC Customer Support Advisor.
Populating an End Availability Date value for the item within 48 hours from today’s date will exclude all Business Validation Rules from triggering.