End Availability Date Time

Attribute Name: endAvailabilityDateTime
Data Type: DateTime
Max Length: 26
Repeatable: No
Code List: No
TPD: Yes
Applies to: All Levels
NPC Xpress Attribute: End Availability Date
Last Modified: 05/02/2024

The date when the trade item is no longer available from the Supplier (information provider), including seasonal or temporary trade item and services.



Useful Tips:
  • This field must be populated to end-date the product hierarchy. Please see End Dating an Item Hierarchy Example (starting from page 53 within the National Product Catalogue Complete User Guide).

  • The ‘End Availability Date Time’ must be after yesterday's date.

  • This field is supported by the National Product Catalogue as a Trading Partner Dependent (TPD) attribute. For more information on TPD attributes, please contact your NPC Customer Support Advisor.

  • Important: When the End Availability Date Time attribute is populated for a GTIN and updated successfully to the NPC, it will be no longer billable. Please note, for an item which has attributes specific to a retailer, a GTIN is STILL billable if the End Availability Date Time is provided ONLY as a Trading Partner Dependent (TPD) attribute. For a GTIN to be completely end dated and NOT billable, the End Availability Date Time must also be provided as a Trading Partner Neutal (“default” value in Publisher) attribute. For more information on how to end date a GTIN, please contact your NPC Customer Support Advisor.

  • Populating an End Availability Date value for the item within 48 hours from today’s date will exclude all Business Validation Rules from triggering.