Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables Content %

Attribute Name: healthStarRatingCFVContent
Data Type: Decimal
Max Length: 3.2
Repeatable: No
Code List: No
AVP: Yes
TPD: Yes
Applies to: Base Unit
Last Modified: 05/02/2024

Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables Content Percentage.



54% of the ingredients in Product A are fruits, vegetables, nuts and/or legumes.

  • 5% is apple juice

  • 17% is concentrated apple puree

  • 20% is dates, and

  • 12% is roasted cashews

The 17% concentrated apple puree is considered Concentrated Fruits and Vegetable Content, thus the value entered for Concentrated Fruits and Vegetable Content is 17%.

The remaining fruit, vegetable, nut and legume ingredients are not concentrated, thus the value entered for FVNL Content is 37%.

  • Data entered is

FVNL Content %:    37%                                                                             

Concentrated Fruits & Vegetables Content %:    17%                                                                             

  • Data entered is not

FVNL Content %:    54%                                                                              

Concentrated Fruits & Vegetables Content %:    17%                                                                              

Useful Tips:
  • The Combined FVNL Content % and Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables Content % must not exceed 100%.

  • Concentrated Fruits and Vegetable Content should not be included as a component of FVNL content.