Trusted Content FAQs

If you have any questions about this service email our Trusted Content team.

Suppliers have loaded over 450,000 product records onto National Product Catalogue, the source of our Trusted Content services. Every time there is a change to the product data, products are deleted from the market or new products are introduced, suppliers update National Product Catalogue to ensure their trading partners can access up to the minute, accurate product master data.

This depends on your annual turnover, and is consistent with the approach we take with other GS1 Australia membership and service fees.

If you have any questions about this service email our Industry Solutions team.

You can build out an extensive product database using Trusted Content. Some of the data attributes you can choose from include:

  • Barcode number (GTIN)

  • Indicator to show if the GTIN is the consumer unit

  • Various product descriptions

  • Global Product Classification (GPC)

  • Packaging type and dimensions

  • Indicator to show if the packaging is marked as returnable

  • ARTG ID/Schedule Code (for Health products)

  • Dangerous good classifications

Note: It doesn't include pricing information, private label data or extended labelling data.

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